Since amplifiers typically operate at lower output levels than their power ratings, the higher the class A wattage rating, the more it operates in class A, so there is or can be an advantage for higher class A ratings in an otherwise class A/B amp.
I have designed and constructed a number of power amplifiers, including one capable of pure class A operation at 100 watts into 8 ohm loads and one capable of class A operation up to about 20 watts into 8 ohms although it can output 120 watts at 0,1% THD.
Both amps sound fine. However, it is nice to know that one can provide class A operation at 100 watts.
The price is that the power dissipation in the output stage of a class A amplifier is twice its power rating. The 100-watt class A amp therefore dissipates 200 watts under no-signal condition, so heat-sinking is critical. For that reason, that amp was constructed as two monoblocks in separate enclosures for stereo use. The two get quite hot, but no failures in over twenty years of operation does mean it is practical to build pure class A amps capable of respectable output wattage.
I have designed and constructed a number of power amplifiers, including one capable of pure class A operation at 100 watts into 8 ohm loads and one capable of class A operation up to about 20 watts into 8 ohms although it can output 120 watts at 0,1% THD.
Both amps sound fine. However, it is nice to know that one can provide class A operation at 100 watts.
The price is that the power dissipation in the output stage of a class A amplifier is twice its power rating. The 100-watt class A amp therefore dissipates 200 watts under no-signal condition, so heat-sinking is critical. For that reason, that amp was constructed as two monoblocks in separate enclosures for stereo use. The two get quite hot, but no failures in over twenty years of operation does mean it is practical to build pure class A amps capable of respectable output wattage.