Amp more important than speakers?

The common wisdom seems to be the opposite (at least from speaker makers), but I have tried the many speakers that have come thru my house on lesser amps or my midfi A/V receiver and something was always very wrong, and things often sounded worse than cheap speakers.
On the other hand, I have tried many humble speakers on my my really good amps (& source) and heard really fine results.

Recently I tried my Harbeth SHL5s (& previously my Aerial 10Ts, Piega P10s, and others) on the receiver or even my Onkyo A9555 (which is nice with my 1985 Ohm Walsh 4s, which I consider mid-fi), and the 3 high end speakers sounded boomy, bland, opaque.

But when I tried even really cheap speakers on my main setup (Edge NL12.1 w/tube preamp) I got very nice results
(old Celestion SL6s, little Jensen midfi speakers).

So I don't think it's a waste of resources to get great amplification and sources even for more humble speakers.
My Harbeth SHL5s *really* benefit from amps & sources that are far more expensive than the Harbeths.

Once I had Aerial 10Ts that sounded like new speakers with vocals to die for when I drove them with a Pass X350 to replace an Aragon 8008.

Oh well, thanks for reading my rambling thoughts here...

So I think I would avoid pairing good speakers with lesser amps,
Reminds me of something we Porsche driving instructors used to say: The most important part of a car is the nut behind the wheel.

316 posts
10-10-2021 12:32pm
4" wideband and 8" wideband reminds me of the Tom Evans Model 1 from 2013?

Tom Evans was on to something,,,yet he did not know it. 
The only way to intergrate a  8+$ is if both are of near equal midrange.
1st we start with the 8,, get that right 1st,, then we find a  sutiable 4..
 a 6 won't fly,,, too much mid...a  4 is perfection.
Both have to be 
on midrange,
Either dual DL's or Dual TB's.
Can't mix the 2.
TB 2145+ TB2141 = perfection.
But I'ma  DL kind of guy
btw the seller just wrote, the 4 is not avalaible due to a  EU supplier of that tiny 3 inch yellow paper mix cone,, not avaliable.
IMHO the TB2145+TB2141, near same fidelity.
Tom Evans wasa  genius. 
That guy had it right. 
I made the discovery by sheer luck,,it was weeks away from being shipped to a relative over seas, and would never see thae DL4 ever again.

One day, the thought occured,, the yellow6 did not blend/mesh/intergrated,,,but what about the 4 sitting 6 months on my shelf....worth a  shot,,ain't gonna cost me anything...hate to give itt away ....BINGO...
Diana Krall 's poetic magic now just oouzesss out the speaker system.
Finally hit on high fidelity.
Had my tech geek not stood at the door with a  unimpressed look on his face after the new Mundorf xover upgrade to the Thors...I'd never have embarked on this WBer + xover speaker journey...//there's an old saying

seek and you will find...if you dobn't seek, you;'ll never ever  find....
Speakers are everything in a  system.
amps are a  dime a  dozen. 

Just looked at the TE Model 1. 
Interesting,,but not same as my 

Its my understanding no one, as far as I know,,has come up with this pairing..Unless you can find a  link to show me anyone else who has paired a  8+4 wide band.
I am the 1st.
Its in my ancestral genes to tinker and expolre outside the box.
Have to thank my tech geek for stirring up my wondering  and searching.
In many ways he also is a  original.
He builds, designs amps, 
Waiting on his emails now, about my new latest design. 
I told him to shout out to the new orleans audiophile community about my new *Holy Grail* speaker design.  

Wasn't this thread supposed to be about amps? It's starting to look like a page out of Speaker Builder magazine.