Al, your voltage divider example does clear things up I think.
Let me just clarify one point, is the goal for Vin and Vout to be equal (ie in perfect world where the speaker cable would have no resistance or inductance) such that the voltage output by the amp (Vin) would be the same at driver (Vout)?
Thus in the real world as Z1 increases then for a given Vin the Z2/(Z1+Z2) ratio decreases and reduces the value of Vout.
Let me just clarify one point, is the goal for Vin and Vout to be equal (ie in perfect world where the speaker cable would have no resistance or inductance) such that the voltage output by the amp (Vin) would be the same at driver (Vout)?
Thus in the real world as Z1 increases then for a given Vin the Z2/(Z1+Z2) ratio decreases and reduces the value of Vout.