Looking for new speakers for large audio room

I’m looking for new speakers that are big enough for my listening room which is 9x6 meters and my current speakers are Avantgarde uno series two loud speakers and not getting enough impact from the woofers.

I’m looking for speakers in the 30K to 20K price range.
Edit: ceiling height is 2.8 meters in height

using two REL S/812 woofers in my set up

I have auditioned the Magnepan 30.7 but my pass labs XA 60.8 amp isn’t powerful enough to drive them loud enough in my listening room

what about trading out your subwoofers and getting something like a pair of Perlisten d215s's.  Given the size of the room, that might resolve the issue you are having.  
Add a couple 15" to 18" subwoofers. Spread the subs around to get better coverage.
Try to audition one of the larger Legacy speakers. Even their largest will be easily driven by your Pass amp.
If you have corners, Klipsch Corner Horns would provide a huge sound stage plenty of volume and fill the space for half the price.