Looking for new speakers for large audio room

I’m looking for new speakers that are big enough for my listening room which is 9x6 meters and my current speakers are Avantgarde uno series two loud speakers and not getting enough impact from the woofers.

I’m looking for speakers in the 30K to 20K price range.
Try to audition one of the larger Legacy speakers. Even their largest will be easily driven by your Pass amp.
If you have corners, Klipsch Corner Horns would provide a huge sound stage plenty of volume and fill the space for half the price.
@shawarma  Classic Audio Loudspeakers makes two speakers you might want to look at. The first is the T1 and the second the T3. They are 98dB so will be able to fill your room with a moderate amount of power (I suggest about 100 watts minimum). They are also full range and 16 Ohms. The midrange drivers have no breakups in the audio passband and are field coil powered, so they are very fast and also very smooth.

Since standing waves are an issue in any room with regular dimensions I would supplement them with a pair of subs placed asymmetrically elsewhere in the room to break up the standing waves. These subs should not be active above about 60Hz or so.
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