Step by Step How to Use a Digital Multimeter / Oscilloscope for Azimuth Adjustments

So I did the usual azimuth setup for a VPI using the rod on top of the tonearm groove (method of setting that is included with VPI turntables from factory) on my VPI Classic 3.   I also bought one of those clear blocks on Amazon with the lines so you can get it as flat as you can visually.   It does sound good just doing this but I wanted to go next level and see if I could do it electronically even better.    I have read you can use a digital multimeter (DMM) or oscilloscope to do the adjustments.   I found on Amazon a Hantek 2D42 that has both features and I bought the BNC to RCA connectors for it so I can interface it with my turntable or alternatively the preamp output on my Sutherland 20/20 for boosted signals.
That all being said, how do I use this for setting the azimuth?   I have read you can use either device (DMM or Scope) to do this adjustment but it seems like the directions are pretty sketchy on how to do it.
I looked into buying the Adjust + software but as of August 2021 it isn't available to buy any longer so that isnt an option.
Anyone know how I can use this Hantek to do the testing and adjustments?
Thanks in advance,
@wlutke is all over it ! use the tools, get close, dial in by ear…and have a measurable benchmark to return to…..

Peter, a guy w something like 11 patents is a measure and listen guy also……
My my my, every single one including Peter Ledermann agrees with me on this one. Be still my beating heart.