The two stages of audiophilia

1. Compulsively and fanatically build the best audio system you are able to and can afford.

2. Sit back, listen to MUSIC and enjoy your system.
Did I hear that one right; facultative?

I am being deliberately facultative in my efforts to ameliorate my chronic condition of upgrade-itis.
Stage 4 ; Do you have a “ Tubes Rule “ Manley Java cup next to that Italian addiction satisfaction machine ?

Stage 5. how to fund that third Manley microphone……?
Got there I believe recently. Any further upgrade would just be too expensive for the improvement. System: Audiolab 6000 CDT, Denifrips Ares ii, Vincent Audio SA 31 MK / SP 331 MK and audio Physic Sitara 25's. Also use 2 x Definitive Technology sub cube 4000 subwoofers.
Got there I believe recently. Any further upgrade would just be too expensive for the improvement. System: Audiolab 6000 CDT, Denifrips Ares ii, Vincent Audio SA 31 MK / SP 331 MK and audio Physic Sitara 25's. Also use 2 x Definitive Technology super cube 4000 subwoofers.