Which DAC is better?

I am using a new  Bluesound Node 2 connected with the default RCA cables into my Parasound Hint 6.

This uses the Nodes DAC and not the Hint 6s DAC. If i understand correctly, I can connect the Node using an optical/usb cable into the Hint 6 thereby using the Hints DAC and not the Nodes.

Which is the better option? 

I am aware i can buy some cables and test this out for myself.
 I was just curious if anyone else had an opinion.
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I have a Bluesound player and have swapped back and forth from the internal DAC to an external Bryston BDA-2, also a Topping D30 pro and cannot discern any difference. For simplification I went back to the blue sound players internal DAC. I know a lot of people are sour on the Bluesound DAC, but for me it's just great. 
In my humble opinion the preamp the DAC is plugged into makes a bigger difference in sound quality.
It isn’t too difficult to beat the dac of the node, but the node is great for streaming and the UI is top notch. 

+3 that the Hint DAC will likely sound better than the node dac, but as others have mentioned there are also many $2k standalone dacs that will take the performance higher still if you want to grow down the road. Happy listening 
why ask if you can just try it?  trust your ears and make the effort to decide