How Strict is Harbeth on Damaged Outgoing QC Seal

How strict is Harbeth in regards to voiding their warranty when an Outgoing QC Seal on one of their speaker boxes has been disturbed? Can anyone clarify or speak from experience as to whether Harbeth will honor their warranty?

I just took delivery as original purchaser of a pair of Compact 7ES-3s from an authorized dealer. The speakers were purchased back on 2/21/2012, but didn't arrive to the dealer until 4/4/2012. On one of the boxes, the Outgoing QC Seal has been torn and is partially missing. The QC Seal is intact on the other box, and it clearly states "Warranty Void If This Seal Is Disturbed." Both boxes are unopened.

If I keep the speakers, am I essentially volunteering to walk away from the product warranty, because the sales clerk damaged the QC Seal while removing the inner speaker box from the outer shipping box?

A strict reading of the QC Seal explicitly means that the speakers are DOA if the seal is disturbed. Is Harbeth policy really that draconian? If so, the speakers are clearly DOA.

Again, can anyone clarify? Thanks!
is this a seal you have to break to get the speaker out of the box or is it on the speaker itself? Did you notify dealer and Harbeth?
I would ask Harbeth myself.

I think it is on the dealer to make sure it arrives safely.
I don't get it either. If the seal is on the box and must be removed to get the speaker out then no speaker would have a warranty. Can you clarify your question?
> is this a seal you have to break to get
> the speaker out of the box...?

The seal is on the side of the shipping box that you don't open. Apparently, you're supposed to open the side that "faces up" and the QC Seal is on one of the short sides with the product ID sticker.

The shop manager is back tomorrow. I'll follow-up with the group based on how the conversation goes...