How long do good speakers last?

I just ordered a set of Sonus Faber Olympica Nova Vs, my first foray into nice speakers. I turn 51 this month and am hoping these will be the last speakers I ever buy. But it got me to thinking - how long should I expect these speakers to last? Or any good speakers for that matter? Does the foam eventually break down? Issues with general wear and tear? Appreciate your perspectives!
My PSB Stratus Gold I are going on 15+ years and still are in great shape . No change in sound and no woofer surround rot , so far.
My audio life got real when I heard a pair of Montana speakers being driven correctly by a huge Threshold amp. It was in the 90s. Incredible sound. Someone on the forum tonight said they have Montana's. What a speaker!
Vandersteen model 1B player the crap out of them 25 years long. Fortunly they have the rubber instead of foam edges an they have a abuse circuit that kicks inn if needed. When aging an lately applied room correction they sounds better an better.
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