Weak Bass from my SP 1/2s

I've lived with Spendor 1/2Es (circa 12/97) for about a year now and love them. However, I have noticed that they just have very low bass output under anything below about 70 Hz (to my ears) though they are rated for +/- 3db at 45Hz. Interestingly enough, my old SP 2/3s, which were smaller and rated down to 60Hz, clearly had significantly more extension connected to the same front end. I have moved them around to no avail and am scratching my head, as I KNOW they are capable of more. Additionally, the woofers move surprisingly little when reproducing low bass at higher dBs levels (less than my 2/3s). Are there any SP1/2 owners out there that have experienced the same thing, and if so is the key a beefy amp? (I am driving them with a 25W SS NAD).
It could also just be the way the speakers interface with the room. I've had experiences where smaller speakers with supposedly less bass response produced a bigger and fuller bass in my room than larger speakers. It just works that way sometimes.
i had the sp 2/3s, which i drove with as much as 150w of good ss power. i could never coax sufficient bass out of 'em either and always felt a sub was essential.
You need more power as already suggested. I might try something with much much more juice like a Wyed4Sound amp, as big as you can afford, It is class D o it won't be as rich as some other amps (class A or A/B) but the price per watt ratio goes up dramatically.
And before someone gets on their high horse and tells me that it's the quality of the power not the amount I am well aware of that. In this case I am not suggesting junk and would say get a Pass XA150 but I don't think the OP can afford it. Maybe I am wrong and yes if the first watt sucks what goo is 300 more of them.
I also use RELs but the Spendors can have good bass. Back in the early 80s I use to use SP 2s to demo Krell amps when I was a Krell dealer. But I had a live end/ dead end listening room with a concrete floor.
I like the bass from my NAD 326BEE with Sound Dynamic speakers it is full and controlled and seems to go quite low
