Why are there no tube televisions anymore?

It’s funny when you come to think of it and compare video with audio. How come in the audio world discussions sometimes become intense, while there seem to be far less intense discussions in the TV & video realm?

With TV’s there’s no talk on tubes, transistors, analog, digital, vinyl, cables, power cords, heck we can even get ’audio’ fuses and -USB cables.

No one has a tube TV (while they really have a ’warmer’ image :) and very few people use a $400 power cord with their TV set. And while there are expensive HDMI cables on the market, the vast majority uses one below $50. And no one spends money on floor spacers to avoid cable vibrations.

Our eyes may even be far more sensitive than our ears ... yet discussions are far less intense. How come?

Probably because we see what we want to see… With audio we may see it more in our heads.
Since we cannot see it we are probably prone to making stuff up.
Audio tweeks are Flat Earth Science. To the believers this is their religion! It, like all religions is faith-based. Attempts to verify these beliefs by scientific trial are lambasted as heresy! 
Manufacturers are all too eager to encourage these beliefs in pursuit of profits.
My $90 Insignia flat screen has a picture quality far superior to any CRT set!