DAC with Escient Fireball s & FLAC recordings

Current signal path:

Escient Fireball(s) with 600GB of FLAC recordings

Through a CAL Audio ALPHA
(via Audioquest VDM3)

Into a Rotel RSX-1067
(bypass settings)(via Audioquest King Cobra)

Over to a Rotel RB-1080
(AQ Same as above)

Eventually arriving at a pair of Thiel CS1.6's
(via DH Labs ST 14??)

*Misc - REL R-305 sub(via Neutrik(sp) connector coming off the RB-1080)

I can't say I have any serious complaints, however:

Based on the improvements noted with the ALPHA -- I can't help wonder if another DAC may yield even more joy.

I heard the Escient with a Levinson 360S last week. Sounds amazing, but quite a jump in price form the Alpha. I used to have the Alpha and enjoyed it. I upgraded the tubes and it made a huge difference. Call Kevin at Upscale Audio, he will recommend the perfect tube for the alpha.
Okay, fair enough: My original post included everything but an actual question.

Update: Now that Escient has finally created a simple way to access FLAC files from ANY networked device (besides another Escient product) I've added another 200GB of FLAC files to my library.

Unfortunatly, I haven't found the "right" DAC.

I did replace the tubes in my CAL LABS ALPHA (Some kind of Tesla tubes) -- result: Overall improvment but nothing remarkable.

I was restacking my "for sale" pile and found a Birdland Odeon Lite -- result: Huge improvements (soundstage, detail and clarity).

For those unfamiliar with the Odeon Lite, it features a volume control knob. If used with a preamp, they advise turning the knob to 12o'clock.

Unfortuantly the output of this DAC is VERY low. At 12o'clock it's barely audible -- at 3o'clock it's comparable to my NAD M55 analog output. BUT it lacks (at any o'clock).... well, balls.

I've compared and contrasted them for a few days now. The Odeon does almost everything better than the CAL Labs ALPHA.

Output level: The ALPHA output is full and a tad loud (good)
Low Freq: The Alpha offers more than twice the low output -- but it's muddled (good and bad)

Hearing the vast differences between the CAL Labs Alpha, the Birdland Odeon Lite and the NAD M55 in my own home -- with my own system -- has convinced me of a couple of things:

DACs are strange little creatures
I should be able to find one that fits my budget, taste & system.

FLAC files -
?DAC? -
ROTEL Pre/Pro -
Rotel AMP -
Thiel CS1.6

AQ Digital3
AQ King Cobra Interconnects
MIT AVR2 speaker cables

Your comments & recommendations are greatly appreciated.