Bought mono blocks, now spkr cables too long

Have transparent super cables which are 12 ft, only need 3 ft.  Tough to do, but Coiling them up seems only way. Crazy to replace $3k cable pair.

kinda like monos by speakrs
just wondering what kind of answer are you looking for on something like this ?

keep your eye open for a shorter pair of cables?

Send it to the cable maker and get it chopped up. I did that long ago with some AudioQuest Volcano cable. A 12 foot cable was chopped into four 3 foot lengths. I was even able to sell them later to when I no longer needed them.
+1 to the comment by @yyzsantabarbara . The manufacturer is the best one to help you.
In theory, shorter speaker cables are best, because the impedance of the cables influences the sound least. Whether that's audible -- or desirable -- to a given listener in a given system is a different, and entirely subjective, question.