Tornado and Thunder Power Cables

Hi all,

I am going to be upgrading my power cables for my preamp, 2 channel power amp and 5 channel power amp and I have chosen the following power cables to use in my setup:

1m Tornado(source)- preamp
2m Tornado(high current)- 2 channel power amp
1m Tornado( high current)- 5 channel power amp

In terms of bringing the cost down, if I used a 1m Thunder power cable for the 5 channel amp instead of the 1m Tornado(high current) would I be missing anything sonically by not using a Tornado HC power cable? Does anyone in the forum have a similar setup or are using a Thunder HC power cable as well mixed with the Tornado power cables? If so, what are your thoughts? Would it be better to just keep it all the same brand of power cable consistent or is there a huge sonic difference between the two power cables that would warrant me to stay with the Tornado HC power cable for my 5 channel amp?

Thank you in advance for your thoughts. Much appreciated.


Do you have a Niagara Power Conditioner?  If yes, AQ is superb.  If not, you may find that treble extension could be a challenge.  Particularly with Thunder.  This gets less pronounced if you rise a bit in terms of quality.  for example, Hurricanes, though those are much pricier.  

I would look at Clarus Crimson or Puritan Ultimate if you do not have a Niagara Power conditioner.  

To OP if your heart is telling you those tornado power cord will improved your system performance, audition them first, Music direct has 60 days trial, might as well try the hurricane too.
I can't recall the model, but the entry level Cullen cables aren't well shielded.
The pair that I ordered to power my ML Spires, lite up my hand held voltage tester like a Xmas tree when they was juiced up. Some of the better power amp manufactures and even the cheaper Pangea cords, nary a flicker.