Try to keep each dimension in a range that is not a multiple of any other dimension. You could also use the Cardas Golden Ratio for your room dimensions. Use multiples of prime numbers, such as 1,2,3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31 etc. That way you dont get any standing waves. Make the structure out of concrete or block, for mass and rigidity. Place absorbative material at the first reflection points from speaker to listening location. Sit at the height of your midrange speaker, unless its crossover is designed to raise or lower the soundstage, like many do. See PSB speakers. Elimiate corners if you can, by rounding or diagonal fillets.
If I was setting up a listening room, I would try to eliminate any reflections I could, so the main sound I hear is that which comes from the speakers. I want the recording to create ambience, not the room. I would also want to eliminate standing waves, or areas of reenforcement.
If I was setting up a listening room, I would try to eliminate any reflections I could, so the main sound I hear is that which comes from the speakers. I want the recording to create ambience, not the room. I would also want to eliminate standing waves, or areas of reenforcement.