What DAC to use with a Sony XA7ES

I find my XA7ES which is a stock unit is on the heavy side of sound. Meaning I feel I have to much low end and not controlled. Want to get more excitement into this unit. I can use more detail in the mids and less boom on the low end. I want to try a Dac and hoping someone else is using the XA7ES for a transport and what Dac you may be using with good results.
Any help on picking out a Dac would be appreciated.
I want to thank all of you for your input. I have decided to buy a Dodson 217 MKll up graded to the 218. I bought this late last night on Audiogon.
Once I get this in place I will then look for better speaker cables then what I have now. I think either in the Audience line or HT Pro 9 Plus. I had the Pro 9 Plus a couple years ago and was very impressed. I then moved onto Harmonix. The only difference I could hear between the 2 was the low end was deeper and tigher with the Harmonix.
Should be some difference at 2 1/2 times the cost.
Thanks again fellows for you help, it is appreciated.
Used to own a XA7ES about 3 to 4 years ago. Very competent unit. So be sure that you are actually upgrading by going to a DAC solution, not going side ways.

I did try a few DAC with the Sony player but did not find anything better. Just different favors. Cal Sigma, Wadia 16 cd player's digital input, and Meridian 566 DAC.

I like the ideas of tube buffer stage DAC though. Allows some experiments on tube choices to change the sound.
Glad you found a nice Dac. Well I'm going with Tvad on this one. I've heard the Paradisea Dac and still listening..there's not a chance in hell of the Sony competing with it in musical sound quality! Cheap or not this is one helluva Dac! If you ever get the chance to hear one ..you'll be kicking yourself for not trying it first! As far as needing to spend double of the Sony on a Dac to get better.. I doubt it very seriously. As with everything in this hobby..it all depends on what you're looking for though.

Good listening
I use Benchmarks Dac1 with Transparent Audio Super power cord.Audio Alchemy's Data Stream digital transfer cables.The result is sweet, accurate and dynamic music reproduction like none before.Not a kings ransom either.This Sony Straight Plays Music...and match it up like this,now You start to understand that E.S. meant just that! when Sony made this one.I will gladly compare My setup with anyone who does not mind getting their feelings hurt because it can't hang with this combo.The list of humbled continues to rise.The ears tell it all folks.