Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
@sdl4 "You asked about the basic system components..."
Thanks for the details. Helps me to think through your experience and how it could relate to what I hear with my gear.

@tomthiel dsper - "I'll chime in regarding spikes and outriggers....

I appreciate the response. 

Even with their weight, the CS5i's can almost seem a bit tipsy so I could understand outriggers providing more geometric support. 

How the sound could improve because of a wider base is harder for me to conceptualize from an analytical, logical perspective. As with anything else in this hobby, I guess I need to try outriggers and determine if I can hear a difference.

I suspect that there might be a sound difference but is it necessarily better versus simply being different. Sort of similar to enjoying my CJ preamp but also like listening to my Axiom II passive. Different strokes but is one better than the other.....

In the meantime, I will stick to playing with interconnects as I "know" that those can improve/worsen the sound. On the other hand, what if the outriggers could be an "aha" moment?!

Thanks for listening!


Dspr - it seems to me that if there is a difference, the outriggers would be an improvement, not just different strokes. In product design, we always have to stop somewhere, and spikes in the base is where we stopped. I can see how a broader base of support would improve launch integrity, but can't visualize how it might hurt. (But, of course, imagination has its own limits!)
A recent (these past year(s)) observation is how surprisingly active the top and bottom of the cabinets are. I found "it" on the 2.2, but it's on all the models, contrary to my assumption that the small size and therefore relatively greater effective stiffness of those end panels would make them inert. In fact, the 2.2 has extremely small size and moves enough to hear / measure. Bottom similarly. The vertical air column dynamics and and end effects of the panels work to concentrate vibrational forces at the column ends. I think that absorbing / neutralizing the energy being transmitted into the spikes and therefore the floor would help quiet the cabinet. (To wit, all those pucks and springs and geometries of isolation feet.) I've been introduced to an Italian casting product developed as an acoustical cement for damping resonances in highway bridges, among other applications. It has promise both for inside the panels and as pin pucks.

I don't know whether you guys know our youngest brother John. He's recently retired as the senior bridge maintenance engineer for the USA. He's a civil / structural engineer who knows this kind of stuff.

Thank You for continued research and development on Base options (other than Outriggers). The Italian casting product sounds interesting.
Have fun and stay safe!

Happy Listening!