Jelco sa 750e


I have a Lencol75 that’s mounted in a corian plinth so the Jelco is drilled thru with no arm board.

spindle to pivot is 240mm

does anyone know a better tone arm that would have that 240mm so I could mount it in the same location?

that seems to be my only option.

Thanks for you info and time.
Interesting, I know very little about the fidelity research arms

except they are heavy mass and great for low compliance catridges

heat lamp warms up the grease I guess?
FR 64s and long 66s are heavy mass toneams made of stainless steel.

64fx and long 66fx are NOT heavy mass tonearms, they are made of aluminum and copper. 64fx with optional counterweight (W250) can handle superheavy carts like SPU and FR-7fz, but with stock small counterwight the 64fx is perfect for nearly all MM and MC cartridges (old or new). Those two tonearms are predecessors of the IKEDA tonearms available today (same PS distance BTW). You can read about IKEDA here.

heat lamp warms up the grease I guess?

  If there is a problem (*typically with 64s) you can try this method, but I think you’d better open/clean to add the new grease, it’s very easy! Before you buy, ask the seller about the condition, if there is a problem - don’t buy such a sample and find another. My 64s does not have such a problem.  

I'm using a Jelco TK-850L.  Wrong size for your table, but the TK-850 series is quite good.  I also have a SA-750e.  It's a capable arm, but not in the sale league as the TK-850 series.
Can you explain in Sonics how the 850 is in a different league?

so should I assume the 950 is even better than the 850?