Two speaker Qs

Thx to those who chimed in on my last thread - very informative.

I now have two more Qs

1) How much does the speaker's finish factor in to the way they sound?

I see these speakers here (not that I am looking to buy them)

And I wonder how much the different woods make a diff? Or are they only veneers, and because of that, is there little to no discernible diff?

2) With the room being all-important... when looking to buy new speakers, do high-end places (maybe for a fee?) demo some models in your house? Or do they take a small deposit, and let you bring a few pairs home with you? Or, are you left to listening in the store - granted most rooms probably sound pretty good to really good - and taking a chance that you will be happy once you plunk down your cash and get the speakers home?
Many boxes are MDF like, wth a veneer, And some of the better ones are an inner box and outer box with the veneer, and the inner/outer are designed not to have cabinet resonances.

At 17 k$ I would be also considering other speakers.

Where do you live?
You could likely find some dealer that you could demo from
The material used and the exact construction of the cabinet can be very important to the sound.  Fancy veneers and piano black, automotive finishes, can add mucho $$$.  So it varies model to model, brand to brand.

For 17K the loudspeaker world is pretty much your oyster, and I seriously doubt the speaker you linked would be at the top of many people's lists.


I seriously doubt the speaker you linked would be at the top of many people's lists.

Well, def not on mine! lol

So, how do the rest of you go about making a determination as to what is best for you? Do you just listen in-store, and hope that what you hear there will translate to your space? Do you bring your current speakers with you as a frame of reference?