Telling musicians to evaluate and choose their instruments in a “scientific” way?

How do you think this would go over?

“This mass produced guitar measures the same as your vintage Martin on my oscilloscope, so any difference you hear is just expectation bias.” “You need to do a double blind test to prove there’s a difference!” “Rosewood is rosewood, there’s no difference between this Brazilian that’s been seasoned for 20 years and that Indonesian that came off the boat a month ago, you’re being taken in!”

Another marvelous video, craftsman walking a stand of very special trees high in a mountain forest. He thumps on each one and you hear a unique sound, like so much different than any tree trunk you ever thumped you cannot believe it. Walks along thumping, thumping, until he finds the right tree.  

This one select tree is then cut down, aged, sawn into lumber, aged some more. Eventually years later some choice piece is selected and sawn by hand, shaped by hand, no machine tool touches it, ever. There is no guide, no rule that says it must be this thick here, that thick there. Nothing like that. Just the craftsman and his hand tools and his skill.   

They do not go to all this trouble to play a 440 A. They do this because such a fine musical instrument in the hands of a skilled performer can be made to bring tears to your eyes.    

If anyone can find that video I surely would appreciate a link. Thanks.
Millercarbon, this is a side of you I’ve never seen before, sensitive, artistic. Not tech stuff. Well done, I’d love to see these films.
And right on point.

@mglik , such a wonderful comment to add to the discussion. As a lover of classical music who attends live performances and also believes in reproducing music accurately at home, your words ring true. 

millercarbon make big show tough guy real soft considerate inside you just need get know maybe over tequila, bring good clean girl not like last time.
EXACTLY "You have to have the apple before you can polish it"

A good player with a cheap guitar vs a hack with a very nice guitar will always draw more attention.