Classical, Rock, Jazz etc. are your tastes evolving with time?

In being and Audiophile, where do you find your music likes/tastes to fall.  Are you more of a one type of listener or do you feel you listen to a variety of music styles?  

To fess up for myself, I find my taste/likes have both evolved and re-visited favorites as time has passed.  I believe I used to be more narrow but have come to appreciate a wider range of styles and eras. 

There has never been a "favorite type of music" but rather "favorite artists or songs". Hey, I even count Mistadobalina as one of my guilty pleasures. Along Copacabana, Beethoven’s 5th piano concert (Claudio Arrau), Achy Breaky Heart (yes, I just said it), Sergio Endrigo, My Way by Sid Vicious, and a few more you would probably not even be able to Google successfully. All of those have not changed, they just got added along the way.

Having said that, most of the obvious inner change was brought by spending a few years in the area with strong music history. After leaving, some music from there simply felt like "mine". Not that I had anything against it prior to being there but it had not connected.

By the way, hot dog vendors, not to mention Halal Guys and fruit-stand guys, are up 24/7/365 in New York, too. Not that it has anything to do with anything but not to be unfair to their hard work.
Yes I believe it opens up and you give different types of music a chance.You may not of when you were younger.My Grandfather listen to music from the 20s and 30s,my uncle was a dollop guy and soul,my step father 50s60s popular music and Bway music,my father a country grammar school hootenanny, then 60s Rock.i worked nights and this guy would play Jazz all nite long.i loved movies and I bought movie soundtracks...but I liked Beatles, led Zeppelin, Cream,Sones ,Prog Rock ,Yes.Rungout at Discos so Disco Music...I love Soul and Blues ....Never liked Rappa crappa.Not really into the music that's out now and couldn't even name a group or singer.I live on Long Is,NY so I'm not in the sticks ....But yes ,I like to heard music.
Seems to be a wider range these days, I can even enjoy Dylan and Mozart which I never used to be able to. Even serialism gets a look in sometimes. Most forms of rap are still a closed book and I think I’m content to leave it that way.