The Most Cost Effective Tweak

What is the most cost effective upgrade or tweak? What yields the largest return on investment (ROI)? What if you could spend no money and no time and yield significant performance increases? Theoretically, that would result in an infinite ROI!

So how do you make that happen? Stop tweaking. What happens when you stop tweaking and messing with your audio system constantly is that you let everything burn in and settle down. Go read one of the many threads on this website that talks about how long it takes for components and cables to break in. The answers range from a few hours to several days. If you are suffering from constant upgrade-itis, you never let your audio system fully burn in. You’re robbing yourself of free, infinite ROI. And you never truly hear what your system is capable of. I’m not saying don’t upgrade your system. That’s a lot of the fun. Just give it some time and let your system burn in and open up. Reassess where you are at and where you want to go next.

Due to reasons I won’t go into depth on right now (mainly power issues), I am temporarily using a relatively cheap, high power, class D amp. I wasn’t thrilled with this setup and wasn’t sure if I could even call it’s sound signature high end. Due to a busy schedule, I have not had time to upgrade anything or even pursue simple tweaks. As a result of that, I have witnessed how the amp and my system have burned-in/settled down - whatever you want to call it. The sound was initially on the thin side and had harsh treble. Now the soundstage has become huge and the sound has become very smooth - smoother than I thought class D was capable of - especially from a class D amp that isn’t really something to write home about.

My point is that I realized significant performance increases by doing literally nothing. And now that I am hearing what I believe is the true sound of my system, my next tweak or upgrade will be more effective because I can clearly recognize where the weaknesses are at instead of making judgements while things are still burning in, which is often the case with upgrade-itis.
+1 samuel03.   Irrational but efficacious CD by Ayre Acoustics.  The ROI is infinite for those already subscribing to Qobuz because it is offered there.  So, free.

Credit where credit is due:  I learned of it from Jim Smith’s book, Get Better Sound.  And like S-03, bought the CD long before I started steaming.

On the physical CD jacket, it says only the last track is needed to improve your SQ.   It’s a full glide tone and is 5 minutes.  Other tracks are for set up, mostly, I think.
All I'm saying is that the closer I get my speakers to "perfect" symmetry in the room, the better focused the soundstage becomes.

I have a laser-pointer type measuring device that seems tailor made to this obsessive hobby.

Other cost effective tweak: Isoacoustics Gaia feet and Orea pucks. 
Gita ...neurotic pays huh.It was like i got new upgrade preamp/gear...hands down best tweek ive ever done.
“All I'm saying is that the closer I get my speakers to "perfect" symmetry in the room, the better focused the soundstage becomes”

Same Here.

Digsmithd, I have had the same very positive result with respect to leveling and grounding by speakers using a DIY height-adjustable base I built from strong oak ply wood and 5” long bolts.  My speakers are level to each other even thought the floor drops about 5/16 from Left to Right speaker.  The bases allow correction for the floor.  Each speaker plumb, level too.  

Putting inexpensive spring pods (4 pods I under each speaker) $55 total, is amazingly good.  I’m on a suspended floor.