Suggestions for next cartridge...

I’m currently running a Kiseki Purpleheart. I’ve also tried the Audio Technica ART 9, Dynavector (forgot which 20X model moving coil), Ortofon 2m Black--all of those extensively and in the recent past.

When it’s time to add a new cart, what do you recommend I try? Phono preampfification is solid (Manley or Doge) and my table is a Technics 1200 GAE. I have efficient speakers (Cornwall IV) and all tube system.

I could be happy with a rebuild on the Kiseki, going back to the ART 9, but who doesn’t want to try something new? 

I enjoy the analog tape like quality of the Purpleheart.  It's lush and has some sweetness.  The ART9 was incredibly neutral top to bottom.  Arguably, it was a touch dry sounding yet accurate and dynamic.  The Dynavector sound escapes me a bit as I haven't had it here in 3 years.  The 2m black was big and bold, but could have used a bit more air and detail.  All have been great.

Budget $1k - $5k (as we move higher the purchase needs to be planned out more).

On my current shortlist are: 

Audio Technica ART 1000
Hana Umami

Thanks for you thoughts!

What should I try and why do you like it/recommend it?

All your cartridges are MC, except for M2 Black MM.
Your cartridges are new with parts from a few Japanese Jewel companies.

You could try something special from the past in (NOS condition) designed with unobtainable parts like Beryllium, Boron Pipe cantilevers for example, probably an MM design of the highest level from the golden age of analog when MM was a king! With your budget it seems you can afford it.

Your tonearm is perfectly designed for MM cartridges, but you messin’ around with MC. On this tonearm you can’t use some amazing modern MC cartridges like Miyajima because it’s a low compliance design for heavy tonearms, and your Ortofon M2 Black does not represent the whole power of MM.

BTW: The ART-1000 MC is at least an interesting design, way different from everything else.

Not from personal experience, but from other forum posters who’s opinions I trust, I’ve always lusted after:

  • Benz Ruby Z (or one of the other Benz models kron is selling at discount)
  • ZYX Ultimate Airy (from local distributor Sora, who has demos for 30% off)
  • Phasemation 300 or 500
  • Sumiko Starling
Those are just cartridges I've generally only seen glowing praise about...can't speak specifically to which ones play best on your tt/tonearm.