Upgrade Bryston 4BSST2 to 4BSST3 or two 7BSST3s

I am considering upgrading my Bryston 4BSST2, either to a 4BSST3, or possibly to two 7BSST3 mono blocks, as I read a review by someone saying that their new SST3 was quite a bit better than their old SST2, in a way that might usefully complement my system. I recently upgraded my digital sources and I am wondering if further improvements could be achieved by upgrading the power amp.

My system at present: Esoteric T03N streamer, Esoteric K03XS SACD player, Bryston BP26 pre amp, Bryston 4BSST2 power amp, PMC Fact 12 speakers, two Velodyne DD10 subs. Speaker cables are two 6m lengths of Van Damme 6 sqmm cables. One of those lengths is way too long, the other one merely too long. A couple of systems ago, 6m was necessary, now, about 4.5m would get to the speaker furthest away from the rack. My room is 6m by 4m and about 3.2m high.

My first option would be to change to the 4BSST3, keep it in its current position and either go on using the same speaker cables, or buy new ones. I could also move it to the position I am considering if I went for the mono blocks, as described below.

My second option would be more complicated and more expensive. I could accommodate the two 7BSST3 between the speakers and right next to the subs, underneath the television. Then run 3m XLR connections from the pre amp to the power amps, and run 1.5m speaker cables to the speakers. This would also involve getting or building a new television rack.

As far as power output goes: the 4B is 2 x 300W, which is sufficient. The 7Bs are 600W each. I found that when I changed from a Meridian 557 power amp to the 4B the speakers were really “gripped”. While 2 x 600W is certainly not necessary for sound volume purposes, I wonder if there would be a gain in sound quality due to the higher power.

I would be grateful to hear from anyone who has changed from an SST2 to an SST3 and could tell me their findings. Also if anyone has views on whether the 7BSSTs would substantially outperform the 4BSST.

The Cubed is supposed to be warmer and a bit quieter than the SST2. I think the biggest benefit you would get would be to run monos close to the speakers and then use very long XLR’s from the BP-26 to the monos. You have very long speaker wire which is something I avoid.

I do the same with my AES48 compatible Benchmark gear and use the low cost Benchmark XLR to run the long length from the preamp to the monos. I think AES48 compatibility may make the need for very expensive XLR’s not a requirement. Your Bryston gear is I believe AES48 compatible. I think I asked someone at Bryston about the AES48 a few years ago.

AES Standard » AES48-2019: AES standard on interconnections - Grounding and EMC practices - Shields of connectors in audio equipment containing active circuitry

Long ago I upgraded from a 4B-SST to the 7B-SST and my Revel Salon1 loved that change (used BP25 + MPS-2). The extra power was noticeable in the sound. That was the best bass I have owned in any system after putting in the 7B-SST’s.
Thanks, that's very useful indeed.  I might e-mail Bryston and ask them about long XLR runs and AES48.  I had not heard of that before.
Bryston and PMC are also saying that, provided one uses good quality copper speaker cable, there is not much to be gained by going all exotic.
You can try placing your 4B-SST2 in-between your speakers and run long XLR interconnects. That would not cost your too much money if you decide to use the professional grade XLRs like I did (with Benchmark).

I have read a few comments online where SST2 owners prefer it to the Cubed line. During the height of the pandemic I saw a few pairs of 28B-SST2 going for the current price of the 7B3.