Recommendation for a highly resolving amp

I have Don Sachs 2 tube preamp driving Pass Labs X350.5 driving Sound Lab M545 ESL speakers. I like the sound very much, but when I went to hear my friend’s Spectral system (driving Quad2912 ESL) I realized my system can benefit from having a higher resolution amp. Spectral amps need all Spectral preamp/cabling, which would be quite expensive. What would you recommend?
@chungjh  Thanks for answering my question. Your friend is going by his preferences and choices, not yours.

I recommend reaching out to others in your area to listen to your system and provide feedback, before making changes and purchases.

@lancelock has been very helpful in connecting me to the audiophile community in MD and DC. I suggest reaching out to him. He is in the Annapolis area.

The upcoming Capital Audio Fest may also allow you to connect to vendors and audiophiles in your vicinity.
Another vote for changing out your cables ~ w/o spending a fortune, you could go w/Synergistic Research Foundation cabling ~ I was a bit amazed when I installed them in my would be a significant upgrade, and give you at least a good chunk of that detail that you're chasing.  And I agree w/everyone else who said that the PASS Labs amp is almost certainly not your problem.Don't be an unbeliever when it comes to cables, they really do make a difference; if you have bad/cheaper cables, and you dive into the deep [but not deepest, unless your main driver is a Ferrari, or your wife is OK w/a second mortgage] end of the pool, I'm guessing it will be your last upgrade. 
You sir have some very nice equipment, just sit back .Play some music and enjoy.Your on a money spending to make my system sound better trip.
^Hearing something different and appreciating what it does, is one thing; living with it long term is another.
@chungjh How are you streaming to your X1? Does Lumin provide a client? 

If you want to chase after more amps. I recently bought the LSA Voyager 350 GAN and had it modified ($500) by EVS and it was almost as clear and detailed as the AHB2 (maybe the same actually). In stock form it was not in the AHB2 class. However, the Voyager has a lot more power than the AHB2 and drove my Thiel CS3.7 easily. I sold it because I kept the CODA #8 which had a bit more bass but was not as detailed.

I still think your room is the issue and you can get the improvement you seek with the DSP approach. It is a much cheaper way to try instead of buying new gear.

BTW - @lancelock has the CODA #16 and just bought a CODA 07x which he may post his thoughts on.