What are ways to fix speaker dips in my speaker or audio room

I have recently hired an acoustic engineer and after a day of measuring room acoustics and he came back with what I needed to fix and one of my speakers dip at 54 HZ and would DSP help or a lot of bass traps in the frequency work better?
Ask the engineer you hired... You hired a professional and you're asking joe blow about your room. You lost me..

Wish you the best ay..

Well, did he make recommendations for what he thinks you should do? He has analyzed your room and I would follow his advice rather than ask us who know nothing about your room.

DSP and bass traps (you can use them together, BTW) can help to correct the room response. If your room has a lot of reflective surfaces, use rugs, curtains or other treatments to reduce room echo.
Everything I have done what the acoustic engineer told me to do my problem is that 1speaker is louder than the other by 0.83 db 
I’m mainly wondering if that affects the imaging and sound stage?