What I hear in both speakers is called
Most folks , as yourself, have absoluetly no issues with resonances.
All speakers have soem degree of resonances.
Some more, others less. I tend towards the very lowest possible resonances throughout the entire midrange say 200hz-5khz-6khz.
This is where my ears perk up intensive and alert to this mid zone.
Place you speakers in a smaller room and then you will be able to more detect these resonances = aka The Nasties.
As i say, most audiophiles fall in love with a certain speaker and have no issues with the resonances, they somehwo block these nasties out or just accept the good with the bad. Or they have not heard a spaeker with very low resonances thus have no reference point to compare.
I have past reference speakers thus I know what designates acceptable level of resonances and what should be a reject.
Few speakers qualify for my acceptable level of resonances.
My speaker system still in development has shown extremely low level of resonances and I have futher developments to work out over the comming 6 months.
It will be the finest speaker on the planet, within the parimeters of this size and design and in most categories of critque.
If we give points to each quality ina speakers voice, I think my design will come out top dawg.
Your 2 speakers have more SPL, and so, you get high points there.
Mine will offer slightly less SPL but will have superior midrange etc etc.
All due to thanks to recent developements in WBer designs.
No I could not come around to either of your speakers.