Tang Band 2145 in action

Ck out the sunning , sparkling highs.
Hardly need to add a  tweeter. = can if you wish. just add any of your fav tweets, +  with a  simple 2.2 or 3.3 cap.

As I said previously, both the TB2145 ad DLVX8 both are very close in performance.
can't go wrong with either.

Truly a   magical sound image.
Jazz fans especially take note of this speaker.
You always wanted life like sound stage, with no added baggage???
'Well  the TB2145 has your order.


I made it through to the end of the MO cut but it was rough. The sound was thin, confused and threadbare. What a cacophony, a jumble of noise. Didn't seem like there was any info at or below 100hz. In defense of the WBers, though, could any system make that cut sound better than noise???
For some reason this Live Mahvishnu did not record very well. I was trying to get  Billy Cobham drums on the vid. the whole things sounds low fi. Soory about  that...any hoot, so I was looking for some 8uf caps to ship off to a friend overseas with the paper tweets i was dumping,, + He gets the Davidlouis yellow cone W6 WBer, which i can't sell on ebay,,,and while looking through my stash of caps all taken from the Millennium xover, I saw soem 8ufs EVO's Silvergold.
I looked at a  fq/uf cap chart for tweeters, 
8uf takes it down to like 5khz.
I figured let me try a  8 uf, see how it performs on the paper tweeer.
Much much better, 
The Mundorf SESGo 2.2 was  chopping the tweeter off at 10jhz.
maiking the  tweeter restricive/compressed/dull.
The 8uf opened the paper tweeter.
Now the soundstage has taken on more ambience, more sheen.
Can't believe small tweaks can make a  huge pop in sonic gains.
I'm expecting the Davidlouis' clone of the Scanspeak's Be/Nd tweeter to offer stunning resolution.
Taking  The Speaker Project one step closer.
That is set for march/april.

WBers absoluetly must have a  tweeter of your choice. Either a  8 uf or 10uf are the ideal values.
6uf  kicks in  the tweeter  too high fq, 13uf  takes the tweeter  too low. 
Tweeters  begin to show stress  under  say 4khz.
Besides the  dual WBers have plenty of fq's at the 4khz range. Dont need the tweet to go lower than 5khz. 
And no, even Mr Carlson with his Star Trek looking gadget test room , would convince me of what I assume to be true
That Midwoofers don't do so well above 1800hz and tweeters start to break up below say 3khz.  Especially on highly complex passges  of symphonic orchestra.
Thats a  substantial range, critical, 1800hz - 3khz.
Thick with grueling midrange complexities. 
Here is where WBers shine.