Analytical or Musical Which way to go?

The debate rages on. What are we to do? Designing a spealer that measures wellin all areas shoulkd be the goal manufacturer.
As allways limtiations abound. Time and again I read designers yo say the design the speaker to measure as best they can. But it just does not sound like music.

The question is of course is: what happens when the speaker sounds dull and lifeless.

Then enters a second speaker that sounds like real music but does not have optimum mesurements?

Many of course would argue, stop right there. If it does not measure well it can't sound good.

I pose the question then how can a spekeer that sounds lifeless be acurrate?

Would that pose yhis question. Does live music sound dull and lifeless?
If not how can we ever be be satisified with such a spseker no matter how well it measures?
The question is what should the speaker do? Should it just pass the signal through? Should it correct the speaker to reflect the sound of real music?
What of unintended colorations? How do we prioritize there importance. Can we look at measurements and predict thier colorations?
05-22-12: Gregadd
>The advent of large corporations put us in difficult position. Who are the arbiters of what we hear and the standard by which we judge it? When the baby-boomers die off what will the standard be?

Without any hearing defects the baby boomers and generation Y share the same tastes in speakers : flat on-axis response, a monotonic directivity trend, and extended bass regardless of age and preferred musical genre.

For example:

Moving forward we can expect more speakers built to this standard because it's what people want to buy and something that can be targeted by engineering departments - Dr. Sean Olive has distilled this into a formula which ranks speakers based on polar measurements in horizontal and vertical circles which corresponds very well to blind objective comparisons.
Gregadd, funny that you mentioned John Atkinson's article because I was about to mention it when you asked whether measurements can predict colorations. What I was going to mention was in Part 3 of the article, though. Some of his conclusions:

"What Makes a Good-Sounding Loudspeaker?

"Vance Dickason offers some discussion of this question, but the definitive answers are to be found in Floyd Toole's comprehensive 1986 papers. Nothing that I can conclude from my past eight years' work, at least when it comes to conventional forward-firing, moving-coil designs, is in serious conflict with his findings. As I wrote in 1991, 'The best-sounding loudspeakers, in my opinion, combine a flat on-axis midrange and treble with an absence of resonant colorations, a well-controlled high-frequency dispersion, excellent imaging precision, an optimally tuned bass, and also play loud and clean without obtrusive compression'."


"Most important, while measurements can tell you how a loudspeaker sounds, they can't tell you how good it is. If you carefully look at a complete set of measurements, you can actually work out a reasonably accurate prediction of how a loudspeaker will sound. However, the measured performance will not tell you if it's a good speaker or a great speaker, or if it's a good speaker or a rather boring-sounding speaker. To assess quality, the educated ear is still the only reliable judge."