add my personal experience: I have $20K speakers but my earlier 1K speakers delivered the music.
There is more snakeoil going on in speaker hype that all other snakeoil concerning all things audio,, well, except for the cable snakeoil, Nothing can touch that snakeoil
But speakers take 2nd place.
My WBer things can outperform any xover speaker in midrange
xover types I conisder midfi, WBers hifi.
Take Sonus faber, nice speakers, they use Scan Speak. Scanspeak are not going to outperform my WBers in WB fq’s. SF =$$$$$$$$
My WBers = $.
There ya go, pay hifii prices, yet you only get midfi midrange.
Sure Souns fabers perform well on simply jazz, you get some complex full jazz orchestra /classical orchestra going, the midrange in the Sonus fabers fall short vs midrange of a WBer.
Sonus faber on a good amp, WEll my Seas single W18E001 + Millennium will perform equal to this mega priced Sonus faber.
Seas W18 $300 + Mundorf 10uf Supreme @ $250 + Millennium @$350 + Mundorf 6 uf cap SESGO @ $300 X 2 = alotttt less than Sounus faber.
Equal performance.
Now a pair of WBers @ $550. Blows Seas’ away.