Tiny bridges everywhere, but why?

As I am getting closer to my first "complete" system, I am starting to research and get opinions on smaller tweaks. The cherries on top, so to speak. The term "smaller" covers the size, cost and possible impact to SQ. 

I do not know what they are called but I am seeing all sorts of devices holding up cables. Don't know why but they remind me of Navy Seals running out of the ocean with a telephone pole over their shoulder...

Thanks to this forum I have learned that everything in some way impacts SQ, so whatever these thingamabobs are called, do they impact SQ or are they a form of cable management? Both? Do materials matter? Am I going to have to splurge on rosewood versions treated with stain containing ash from one of Jerry Garcia's guitars, or could I use old shoes for now to accomplish whatever mission these fulfill?

I could have Googled this topic, but I want to hear from you - Your experience, choices, etc. 

The good thing I see in your room is carpet, wall to wall, which is good.

Would you/have you tried your system on the long wall? Short wall can be fine but it looks like your speakers are a bit to close to the side walls. Usual (but not limited to) distance from side wall is 3 1/2 feet to 4 feet. General ill effects are midrange colorations.

The recommendations for room treatments are a very good idea also.
@mr_m It's berber with a carpet pad followed by concrete. I have been asked by others about the long wall as well, but it would end the goals I have for the room, which is having up to four people sit and listen with a little leg room. That said, the GIK engineer has me moving the Sopras much further into the room and away from the walls. I'm eager to try it, but mostly from last night's AB session where I was seated maybe 4? 5? feet max from the front line of Utopias and Confidence 60s, which BLEW MY MIND. I never thought to be so close to large speakers. My epiphany was the resulting 3D imaging, stage and instrument separation. Never fully understood these adjectives until last night. Two and a half hours to go before I can wrap up the work I'm doing from home so I can go play. :)
Hello izjjzi. Cable supports are a great way to make money! Unless you're spending $10k per component, forget it. Try putting cardboard wedges under you speaker cables and be sure your health insurance is paid up. Tripping hazard! If the wedges improve things, leave them there! Some guys are selling a four inch block of wood for $35 bucks a pop! P.T. Barnum was right! Perhaps I went into the wrong business. Hmmmmm.
There is the odd blow hard out there that would have you believe you can make a $10,000 system sound like $30,000 with gum,tape, haywire, and a endless list of crap.
Doesn’t work that way. Put balanced components in a well treated room and enjoy. Save the dreaming for equipment up grades not Fantasy and crappy idea’s. 
mijostyn, if you're correct on that then Miller's ceramic insulators are no good either.

But if it's good to put magnetic material close to cables (and I'm not endorsing that) then why not insert them longways in a length of iron pipe?