Thanks a lot for your valuable opinion.
My room is kind of marginal although it could be regarded as big.
I use only tube amplifiers except driving subwoofers.
Vintage vs Modern speakers.
Accuphase DG-68 Digital Voicing Equalizer We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal. A great conceptsound enough to serve as the foundation for an independent democratic nation. It seems that JVS had been fascinated with Accuphase DG-68 Digital Voicing Equalizer . I had been usin DG-28 model since 2001. I set up DG-28 last night after 11PM. Using the mike, it scans 64 frequencies and then adjust the spectrum in the digital domain. It has 4 pre sets so that I can choose the adjusted results for 4 different speakers. Lansche 4.1 tends to sound sweet and warm but after room equlaization, it’s sounds get sharper and crispy. The result with Altec A7 is very satisfactory. A7 tend to be a little bit too aggressive in the treble. I mean it give slight harsh edge from time to time. But room correction and equalization through DG-28 seems to ameliorate such harsh edge. [MEDIA=youtube]jO3rwoDpvqM[/MEDIA] After equalization, Heifetz’ s violin sounds warm and full freshed. [MEDIA=youtube]VTIe50QgCJI[/MEDIA] But without equalization, his viloin sounds somewhat metallic. [MEDIA=youtube]yPHZgInSsPU[/MEDIA] After equalization, the bass seems to be little bit tighter and more extended but not a day and night difference. To conclude, I am happy with equalization on Altec A7. The most pronounced effect is to get the treble clean and make violin sounds warm and full freshed. Thomas | Her voice sounds clear and gorgeous. It sound much more clear and open after adding Fostex supertweeter to Altec A7. I may not need Western Electric after all unless i am greedy. This system sounds good enough to me with clean treble and effortless dynamics. |
I also loaded similar information on other audio forum. Another person could not have Altec A7 because of WAF. Personally I’d love to have a pair of Altec A7’s or something similar with tube amps in my living room system, but I’m married and plan to stay that way. Something about the presence and immediacy of these systems makes them so engaging.The previous owner of my Altec A7 had to sell this because of WAF. After renovation of beautiful house in West Vancuouver BC overlooing down town and bay, his wife want to have neat looking modern speakers in their living room. But A7 rocks with suitable source and amplifier although it may look like a big refrigerator box. Thomas |