High quality high pass filtering for speakers?

Is there a good option for high-passing the speaker connection in a high-end system? 

I want this for a few reasons.
1. NO loudspeakers will come close to a really good standalone sub. Even $20k + speakers end up with really bad distortion at 50hz.
2. My sub has 3 parametric EQs, which helps tremendously in dealing with a 12db spike I have around 60hz. It's no help at all if the speakers are playing that frequency.
3. Even with 2-way speakers, there is still a lot of overlap between sub and speakers without a high pass. Not ideal.
I use the JL Audio CR-1 with two JL Audio Fathom f100v2 subs and ATC SCM50 active speakers. After both bass trap and other passive acoustic treatment and digital correction from subs, I can't imagine anything sounding better with incredible seamless integration of subs and speakers.
Reviving an old thread, but I was interested in trying a hi pass filter for my mains, and looked into HSU's very inexpensive option, but doesn't work with balanced units.  My velodyne subs can do a balanced hi pass filter, but the lowest it goes is 80hz and I was looking for something that goes a bit lower.   Any other lower cost balanced analog high pass filters other than the CR1?