I've got the NPS 1260 (my first HFC product) and I'm expetionally satisfied with it! I had been missing a contact enhancer since the times of Kontak Audio (actually still in prodution and may be used before the NPS 1260) and Sumiko Tweek and the NPS is the very best and most refined! It makes sound better in its tonal balance and not just in transparency, dynamics and presence. "Refined" and "advanced" are the adjectives I'd use for the NPS 1260.
Now I've ordered the MC-1 Pro Double Helix Plus Signature. Two weeks and I should receive it. Casey of HFC was very kind and cooperative ;-)
Thank you!Gianluca
I've got the NPS 1260 (my first HFC product) and I'm expetionally satisfied with it! I had been missing a contact enhancer since the times of Kontak Audio (actually still in prodution and may be used before the NPS 1260) and Sumiko Tweek and the NPS is the very best and most refined! It makes sound better in its tonal balance and not just in transparency, dynamics and presence. "Refined" and "advanced" are the adjectives I'd use for the NPS 1260.
Now I've ordered the MC-1 Pro Double Helix Plus Signature. Two weeks and I should receive it. Casey of HFC was very kind and cooperative ;-)
Thank you!Gianluca