New speaker cables recommendations sought

Im looking for speaker cables with the following characteristics: warm, musical, atmospheric, and affordable (used are ok).
My current system is delineated in my profile, for mixing & matching. All recommendations appreciated. Thank you.
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I had a spectral system for years so I was married to mit/spectral for decades.   Recently put together a 2 channel system and had no intentions on spending big bucks on speaker wire.
I auditioned a combination dac/integrated/ speaker combo that was musical magic and bought all the components.  Didn’t want to risk any part of the chain not keeping the sq.  It was wireworld 7 copper.  Way over my budget but buying the system allowed for discounts. Whether their is a better or less expensive solution I don’t know but they are here to stay
The Wireworld Eclipse8 have great balance 6-9s Copper 
very low patented dielectric, silver over pure ofc Copper connectors ,most are cheap gold plated brass.