What amp to get for Dahlquist DQ12's?

I've recently acquired a pair of Dahlquist DQ12's that have been fully restored. They sound great, but I'm currently running them through a basic Yamaha htr-5550 receiver. This receiver is rated at 75wpc, and I'm not sure this is enough to sufficiently power the DQ12's.

I'm currently debating whether I should just build a pure stereo system primarily for listening to vinyl, or whether I should continue to keep up a DTS/Dolby surround system for movies. That being said, I'd love to hear suggestions for what I should get to power these babies.

That is, what should I get as a pure stereo amp to power these?


What should I get to power these that will also decode movie audio?

I don't have experience with DQ-12s, however, I do have experience with the DQ-12's big brother the DQ-20 and the DQ-20 likes warm sounding electronics either tube or solid state.
I had a client with 2 DQ-12's running off a Carver M-120 through an Audio Control Richter Scale.
It sounded awesome, and with the right music at the right volume.., it would cause huge green monsters to rise from the sea and devour San-Diego. ;-)

get as much power as you can. raise them 2-3 inches off the floor, not into a corner, and enjoy.
Hi Malcolm, I have the 20i Dahlquist speakers and absolutely love them. Ideally, they should be run with tube amps. I tried quite a few different amps when I was looking for amps and solid state just didn't sound right. Some of them sounded downright thin and bright with the Dahlquists. I have Von Gaylord amps and my system sounds just beautiful - warm, rich, detailed.