Top 5 Reaons to NOT BUY A TURNTABLE.

Maybe on the space station.. Tough to get the weight right..

Spin this bucket a little faster, the arm won't stay down. Time for a little Merle Haggard.. :-)

Zero-g VTF solved with a spring. Isolation? Floats in air! I do think a ported enclosure will cause the speakers to spin around, but that is easily solved with sealed cabinets and anyway that's a speaker problem not turntable. Zero-g would be pretty cool. No cable elevators, no isolators, everything just floats. Put a record on, float on over and tether into the sweet spot....
I think he was searching for a reason to do a video - any video, about anything!

As they say in the news papers - it was a slow news day

One point I would dispute, is his claim regarding "inferior separation"
  • I have a few older albums that has superb separation and imaging, that even to my old ears, surpasses my best digital tracks.
  • perhaps the sound engineering back then was better?
I would also dispute that "it’s too late" - - - NEVER too late to appreciate good sound

Pity he didn't talk about the the pros of the wonderful sleeve art and the add-in notes included in the sleeve that you can actually READ with normal prescription eyewear !

Boy I’m getting old :-(

Ah well, Life goes on - don’t it?
@williewonka I would agree on the slow news day comment.
I am a analog guy though I do have some CD and stream a bit to.
Keep spinning.
Top 5 reasons to not watch the audioholic:
5. Wierd glasses.
4. Goofy shirts.
3. Goofy, period.
2. Misses the point.
And the #1 reason to not watch:
He's for wanna-bees not audiophiles.