Khadas Tone 2 - This is a $210 DAC on Amazon with an onboard headphone amp. In what might be a test of the two tiniest external components in the history of audio, this paired with the 2Go/2Yu is amazing. The Tone2 is about 3" wide by about 2" Deep. Yet they have squeezed in a pair of RCA Outs, an digital coax in, a USB C in/out and and a USB C I2S out with a headphone amp that accepts standard mini plugs and has a 4.4MM balanced output.
Sound is shockingly good. It is miles from the $5000 units is closer to the Queststyle than I would have guessed when you consider the Queststyle is 7x the price.
Compared to the Questyle the soundstage is narrow and the level of detail, particularly in terms of treble, is not in the same league. Drum rolls on In a Sentimental Mood are a little muddy and the bass is a little underemphasized. Tonaly though, the Piano has sparkle and the mids are thoroughly enjoyable.
On Be still my beating heart, it is much narrower than the Questyle in terms of soundstage. Especially the bells that you hear during the chorus in some cases are missing or are very quiet. Yet tonally it is superb and there is no sibilance in Sting's voice.
During Liberty, effects are too quiet and too close to the speakers. Where they should be coming directly from my right or left, they are localized at the speaker. But there is no sibilance in her voice. Strings and horns are smooth. Piano has sparkle.
During Duende, precise detail is off just a touch at the highs. Air around the strings and some of the detail between the drums is missing but detail in the bass was surprisingly good. Good separation between Tony Levins notes in the opening. A bit too much localization of the cymbals in the right speaker about 4:30 minutes in.
In the Berg piece, sizing was very good. The piece sounds intimate and tonally is is very good. When they are playing together, there is some massing of strings but not as much as I expected.
The thing to remember with this test is that I am trying to push these DACs too extremes and have picked songs that should highlight flaws. As audiophiles, we tend to listen to music in more extreme circumstances and are more aware of these flaws.
I would not recommend this DAC to anyone in the $1500 budget or above as that would clearly go to Queststyle or Chord. Under $ seems pretty compelling. On a tight budget...and you need an external and maybe a headphone amp for an easy to drive pair of headphones (will cover headphone performance separately), this thing is awesome.