Not as squeaky clean sounding as great solid state amps
I recently took my 6 year old digital player and 6 of my CD's to a brick and mortar (B&M) store in Toronto to hear it with a current highly respected DAC. Digital Analog Converter.
The Amp and Preamp were current Pass Labs products.
Speakers were Gerswhin's.
The sound was very squeaky clean. I would not tolerate my digital player for 15 mins in my room like that.
I attributed it to the room /speaker setup and the fact it was digital. I walked away without a clear sense of what is better for me unfortunately. So it just goes to show there is no substitute for audition in your own room.
Frogman - my Krell is anything but squeaky clean sounding. :^)
This short thread is any interesting read - I thought.
I was only a messenger on the PassLabs info.
fwiw - that review wasn't very good for me.
maybe I missed it but no room, sitting position info.
Also if any one is interested check the specs on the speakers used in the review. Not surprising imo he uses a sub.
I will post some thoughts later.