Tube vs solid state (with all apologies)

So… I’ve been building guitar amps for a few years… and very familiar with tubes and circuitry…  and just entering the audiophile world. 
Is there a definitive opinion or discussion somewhere for help in determining where and or when to apply either?
First off, I admit to being on my third set of tubes with the PrimaLuna integrated, but to me tube replacement for tube gear is the equivalent of getting an oil change or new sparkplugs/brake pads for your automobile.

On the tranny side, I've had trouble with two NAD integrated amps (one a 3020, the other a larger model I can't remember which). A Transistronics preamp. A Marantz integrated (I can't remember which). A Moon phono stage (I can't remember the model). Sorry I can't be more specific here, but memories of failed stereo gear thankfully fade into the past for me. Finally, yes it might have been a mechanical problem and not a transistor problem, but I also went through a Marantz CD/SACD player that, one day, just decided to stop playing one of the formats. 

I must also say that I'm not including noisy volume controls or switches that I could easily quiet with a dose of Deoxit.
Thanks all!

I’m not at all adverse to swapping out or dealing with tube life. Most of the tubes I own are old stock and lots of longevity left… plus I’m familiar with them. Of more of a concern to me are the transistors which are also likely to go out at some point, with little notice.

I appreciate all of the input. I’m going to stay solid state in the amplifier selection and move towards a tube preamp. Then rethink the amp situation.
Excellent tube preamps are not cheap. Like amps, typically cost more by a good amount. Unless cost isn’t a major issue, I’d trade for a really nice SS integrated, or add a SS preamp.
I run tube pre/ss amp combo in two systems. That is the sound that makes my feet flutter.  That may not be the case for you. There are great combinations of everything.  The only thing that truly matters are your ears,and your budget. jerryg123 touched on this point.  There is no way to know what you like until you hear it for yourself. Like any other hobby,one size does not fit all.   Build your system to impress one person,YOU.  Enjoy the music,and the journey.  
I’m biased towards ML speakers as well. I’ve owned over 12 ML speaker types in my life. I’ve owned Requests. They’re over 20 years old, so I hope yours have had a panel replacement. I currently own Spires and drive them with a 45 watt tube amp which has all the headroom one could use. I’d be willing to bet that my amp will drive your speakers. It’s not an ultra expensive tube integrated. It might work for you. Your Requests aren’t nearly as efficient but those panels would be better served by a tube amp than a SS amp. This is well known amongst ML owners. Tubes rule. How much an amp you need or can get by with is for you to determine.