LSA Voyager GAN 350 versus Merrill Audio Element Amps or AGD Grand Vivace and Vivace Amps

The Underwood HiFi website compares the Voyager to far more expensive Class D amps costing $32,000 to $7,500 - presumably Merrill Audio Element Amps and AGD Vivace and Grand Vivace amps.  Has anyone directly AB'ed the Voyager amp to any of the Merrill Audio Element amps or AGD Grand Vivace or Vivace amps in a system with which they are familiar?   
Ag insider logo xs@2xsoundhound
The Legacy amps are stock IceEdge modules in a box. Same as the Rouge Audio Design Studio N-10DM that you can have delivered to your door for $1600 (Legacy i-V2 stereo amp is $4700). There is a thread here about a super modified dual mono IceEdge amp (EVS 1200) that is way better sonically than Legacy/Rouge and it was found wanting in direct comparison to the STOCK LSA Voyager.

Taking one person as a reference to anything is not wise. Please do your own A/Bs in your own home on your equipment. Then you will really know something. People who A/B things directly know something.......those that don’t know nada. So, what I say is just words....what anyone says is just words. Do no believe words....believe what you hear in a super controlled environment.

You want to know how two amps compare?.....then go buy them on trial and A/B in your home. Do not be lazy and just keep asking questions on a proactive.....go find out for yourself. There as so many products that most people just want someone to tell them what to buy.......this is laziness. Test drive these is the only way to know. Then you can be the one to come on line and tell us what you hear. At least it is WORDS from someone who listened.
Please provide proof about your Legacy i.V4 claim; schematics, photos of the interior. Have you listened to the i.V4? How do you know the Legacy isn't an enhanced design like the EVS?
The i.V2 is the two channel version of the i.V4 Ultra. Exactly same design, just 2 vs 4 channels.
Okay, but our last four posts are the only mention of V4 in this page?
I did a "find in page" (search function in my browser), and you and I are the only two posters who have V4 mentioned, as I was thinking I may have misread, misunderstood or something.

A close friend just purchased the LSA Voyager 350, I can’t wait to go over for a listen. By all accounts, he’s thoroughly impressed with the more detailed and authoritative sound being presented by this GaN class D amplifier.