Is it Possible??

Is it possible for speakers to sound better when you hear them while sitting in a different room that the speakers are in or when you stand behind them?  If so why does this occur and what can I do to improve my listening experience while sitting in the same room as the audio gear. 
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Interesting, I know little about Frequency response so your insight is helpful.  Would another solution be to look for speakers that have a lower frequency response?   What would be the optimal frequency response I should be looking for in a speaker in order to achieve the type of rolled off I am looking for?  Thanks for your insight.
A pair Carrera 7BE Speakers made by Fritz Heiler.  I recently changed them out and tried my old pair of Carbon 7's also mad by Fritz.  I thought they were much smoother.  Could it be the fact that the Carrera's have beryllium tweeters?  
I think so.

There was one UK reviewer, Jimmy Hughes, who used to prefer his speakers facing the front wall, ie away from him.

I’ve certainly heard speakers that sounded better the further I was from them than usual.

It’s as if their harsh distortions became more tolerable as you moved out of their line of fire.

As said above, you might need better speakers or just stick with your Carbon 7s.