There are so many different ways to go but they all boil down to
a) springs are best (without getting into expensive specialized stuff)
b) the best springs are damped
c) directly under a component has far more impact than under a rack.
You can easily make your own springs for your rack. First calculate your weight load per corner. Then search eBay for suitable springs. Nobsound are nice because they are compact and easily adjustable but you can find individual springs exactly what you want. I did this with my Moabs and some subs. Not that hard, just the search is time-consuming.
What you will find, everything between ordinary springs (Nobsound are just ordinary undamped springs) and Townshend is anywhere from a lot more expensive to hugely more expensive than springs, but not that much better. You do not in other words get your money's worth. For that you have to bite the bullet. Go big or go home, etc.
On a budget, to save money, I strongly recommend Nobsound under every component (but speakers, those really should be Pods, and yes totally worth it) EXCEPT the stand. The stand I would leave alone. Cones, spikes, whatever you want. Not because it won't help, but because it is so much less important that what you do directly beneath each component.
If you are still determined to do the rack, something to keep in mind- it is gonna sway. Mine even at 750lbs sways back and forth usually about a half an inch but sometimes more at the top, just from lightly touching it to cue a record. This motion is so slow (around 1Hz!) and smooth it affects nothing- except that you see it. Notice my rack is relatively squat- short, wide and deep. If yours is narrow or tall it will sway even more. Springs are best in terms of sound but sound isn't everything. You need to consider this. Because what it means is springs are best, but in this case really, really need to be damped, or the rack is gonna be swaying all the time! So either Pods, or plan on damping using something like Dave's foam inside the spring trick.
Honestly, looking at your system (which is pretty darn nice by the way) I would remove the spikes from the speaker stands and put them on Townshend Podiums. Yes I know you think that doesn't make sense. Because you haven't heard it. All this other stuff combined will pale in comparison. Then I would put as many of the other components as I could on Nobsound. The combination will elevate your entire system like you won't believe.
a) springs are best (without getting into expensive specialized stuff)
b) the best springs are damped
c) directly under a component has far more impact than under a rack.
You can easily make your own springs for your rack. First calculate your weight load per corner. Then search eBay for suitable springs. Nobsound are nice because they are compact and easily adjustable but you can find individual springs exactly what you want. I did this with my Moabs and some subs. Not that hard, just the search is time-consuming.
What you will find, everything between ordinary springs (Nobsound are just ordinary undamped springs) and Townshend is anywhere from a lot more expensive to hugely more expensive than springs, but not that much better. You do not in other words get your money's worth. For that you have to bite the bullet. Go big or go home, etc.
On a budget, to save money, I strongly recommend Nobsound under every component (but speakers, those really should be Pods, and yes totally worth it) EXCEPT the stand. The stand I would leave alone. Cones, spikes, whatever you want. Not because it won't help, but because it is so much less important that what you do directly beneath each component.
If you are still determined to do the rack, something to keep in mind- it is gonna sway. Mine even at 750lbs sways back and forth usually about a half an inch but sometimes more at the top, just from lightly touching it to cue a record. This motion is so slow (around 1Hz!) and smooth it affects nothing- except that you see it. Notice my rack is relatively squat- short, wide and deep. If yours is narrow or tall it will sway even more. Springs are best in terms of sound but sound isn't everything. You need to consider this. Because what it means is springs are best, but in this case really, really need to be damped, or the rack is gonna be swaying all the time! So either Pods, or plan on damping using something like Dave's foam inside the spring trick.
Honestly, looking at your system (which is pretty darn nice by the way) I would remove the spikes from the speaker stands and put them on Townshend Podiums. Yes I know you think that doesn't make sense. Because you haven't heard it. All this other stuff combined will pale in comparison. Then I would put as many of the other components as I could on Nobsound. The combination will elevate your entire system like you won't believe.