Ayre KX-5 preamp with V-3 amp

I'd like to try my Ayre KX-5xeMP preamp with an Ayre V-3 amp to drive a pair of KEF LS50s augmented by a pair of KEF KC62 subs.  Source would be Roon provided via ultraRendu with LPS 1.2 and Ayre QB-9 DSD DAC.  If anyone knows of an Ayre V-3 for sale I'm a buyer.
Ag insider logo xs@2xdbphd
Oh, wow, might as well just use all that John Curl designed gear! Charles Hansen used to publicly acknowledge Curl’s influence on his circuit design, they were quite friendly on some of the forums. Could be interesting to compare the K5-xe and JC-2.
In a previous setup I used three JC 1s to drive KEF Reference 107/2s and a 204/2C. I really liked the sound. Now the 204/2C and a JC 1 sit between KEF Reference 1s driven by an Ayre VX-5 Twenty. The trio integrates seamlessly. A Bryston SP3 processor receives HDMI from the DX-5 DSD and sends balanced analog to the KX-5 Twenty by-pass

In my secondary setup I’m using an Oppo 205 as a Roon endpoint with a NAD M22, a very tidy setup. But I preferred the sound of the ultraRendu with QB-9 DSD DAC and Ayre AX7e integrated until a channel of the AX7e went out. Also the AX7e has no output for subs. Thus my trashing around for an alternate setup. I think the JC stuff might be that setup.
Utilizing the Bryston SP3, through DX-5 DSD, to KX-5 Twenty Pre-Amp, is this musical route for CD/SACD playback? Or, streaming Roon,Tidal...etc?
Happy Listening!
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