Aren’t his top of the line amps the XS series
Yes, but not as pure Class-A as the XA series, but they the XS (a/b amp) have large amount class-B after leaving Class-A with more crossover distortion, where the XA don’t
As he says
"crossover distortion it’s "alleviated" in A/B with some bias but NOT ELIMINATED!!, that only happens in Class-A amps"
If you were using 4-8ohm speakers that were efficient, the the XA’s would be the choice.
But if you had say the Wilson Alexia’s that are 1ohm EPDR in the bass, then the XS would be the better choice, for better current into that 1ohm epdr bass load, and class-B in the bass is fine
We listened to the Gryphon Antillion Evo, a 150w amp but it can give 5000w at 1/2ohm, and on the Alexia’s and it can do the 1 ohm no problem
It’s able to be switched from 20w Class-A bias to 40w or 100w on the fly, and all 8 of us could believe just how much better it was at 100w class-A bias.
But the room did get very hot after 1 hour of listening.
Cheers George