Darwin Cables still in business ?

Do you know if Darwin Cables still in business?
I saw on their website that they have not updated the stocks available since 20.08.2020. So for 1 year ...
I sent several emails and no one answered me ...I want to buy more products from them, and I have no one to talk to.
It seems that no one takes care of this company anymore ...
Darwin Cables business model was to produce many more cables than can survive in the market, a model that is supposed to work for some things. But it turns out cables do not in fact reproduce. I told them from the beginning, go with Intelligent Design.
From like 6000 years ago?

I purchased an Enlighment IC directly from Tony, he was responsive and courteous via Email. shipping was prompt.

Hello Millercarbon and Holmz,

My name is Bill, I am one of the founders of Darwin Cables.  When Tony suggested the name "Darwin Cables" my first thought was, "The Ultimate Evolution of Sound".  Little did I know, Darwin was actually a dog owned by one of Tony's friends.  At one point we printed up some T-Shirts with a dozen religious audio related puns.  As soon as we stopped laughing, coincidentally about the same time we sobered up, we realized the shirts might be sacrilegious and a wee bit offensive to some folks.  Welcome to life in modern America where comedy takes a back seat.  We think of those shirts as our original Beatles Butcher album art.

Humor is appreciated here!

Best regards...Bill