REMINDER: tighten up your loose screws

REMINDER, tighten up all loose screws around the drivers. Just Do It. All of them.
Sit back and enjoy your “new system”.

85% of screws on my speakers needed 1/8 to pass 1/4 turn to snug firmly and guess this… all screws on my woofers needed 1 full turn. Some was actually needed 2 turns. Anyways, improvement was a jaw dropping.
Credit reminder to Rick from High Fidelity Cables
...and always screwing around with Something.

The latter being whatever you think you ought to be doing, or doing to avoid what you'd rather not.... ;)
Well I guess if you have a bad sounding system, blaming it on the screws is as good as anything !!
@axpert....reference dills' earlier post, which would likely be the common reaction to a 'screws are loose, and I can't turn it up!' claim.... ;)

So I have made the swap to the brass screws that just came in today and here’s my findings.
Yes, no doubt about it. It is slightly more revealing, more details, more transparency. Soundstage is more realistic and more 3D. Imaging is cleaner. Mid bass between 700-1khz is very good. Super lower bass is cleaner and seems to shift up a little and shave off some punchiness. This new sounding is (too) revealing and a tad more forward which could make me forgetting the warm-ness, the silkiness and the sweetness that my Sonus Fabers are very good at. Few days earlier, when I tighten up the loose screws, magical, synergy and PRAT seem to come together nicely and better.. this is not. This is different. This is more about revealing and more realistic which is giving me an impression of audition a new pair of interconnects.
Hmmm, as I’m taking notes and writing this review as fresh as it can be, it’s been 3, 4 hrs after the swap and the new sound seems to get warmer and sweeter, more rounded and smoother. Definitely to my liking. Is this because something is settling down and/or broken in or, at 2am, my tired ears and brain are accepting the new sound? Anyways, it’s getting good and so much better. System will continue playing over night so please stay tune…
How to even start a response to this?  Don't even get us started on solid silver or gold (or platinum) screws and their sonic benefits!