Looking for a SS integrated Amplifier recommendation going into a new system

While waiting for a new speaker delivery, I have some time to start looking for a SS integrated amplifier, and hoping for some recommendations.

The speaker to pair with is Ascend Acoustics Sierra Tower with RAAL tweeter option that is around 91dB efficient, and the room size is 12x18x8.  I mostly listen to classical, jazz, female vocal, and the listening level normally is around 85dB, occasionally go up to 90dB.

I originally was looking for class-A integrated amplifier, but now would like to open the possibility to class-A/B as well to see what will be a good match for this new system I am putting together.

mainly because I also plan to see how well they will drive my headphone that I listen to quite a bit.
If headphones are important, at this level I’d get a separate headphone amp as the ones included in integrateds — even the better ones — are relative afterthoughts and not anything special at best (amps matter for headphones too!).  When you can get a nice fully-balanced, Class-A headphone amp like the Singxer SA-1 for only $599 that’ll kick the crap out of any integrated’s headphone section, I can’t see using an integrated’s headphone section if you’re truly serious about headphone listening — and the SA-1 is small so not much of a space penalty for the level of benefit you’ll get.   Just my $0.02 FWIW. 

I keep hearing the name Luxman 509X.  I just wish I had the budget for this.
I have a Luxman 505UX11 and very pleased. If budget allows the Luxman 509X would be a great amp I believe. My room is small, 11x14 and my speakers are B&W 805D3 . My CD player is a Luxman 03X. All sounds very good.
@soix ,

Thank you for the suggestion, I may not have made it clear on how I am going to use the headphone amp from the lower output Class-A integrated Amp mentioned by others such as Pass Int 25 or Luxman 590AXII.  With these amps, I will be using the speaker outputs instead of headphone output to drive my headphone.  I do use a separate headphone amp, a GS-X mk2, but have been wanting to try Class-A speaker amp for while, and this might be the right time.

The more I think about my setup and possible future path of my system setup, I might end up getting two amps instead of just one.  First, try out a Class-A integrated amp that can drive both my headphone and this speaker system well, and later, getting a Class-AB amp that will match well with the Tower speakers I am waiting for the delivery.

Appreciate all the inputs thus far, they help a lot in my search.

You have to demo any amp with your intended speakers.  It’s difficult with so few remaining brick and mortar retailers left.  I’m not familiar with your speaker, but numbers just don’t work.   I went to demo the luxman in Atlanta and they were running kef blades.  May have been the amp or the speakers,  flat riled off top and bottom.  Back home plan was to bring home the luxman for a demo with my paradigms but the demo had been purchased.  Salesman put together esoteric f03 class a with Fyne 702. Thought esoteric was just digital.  Bought the demo esoteric and and the 702 on the spot.  Due to Covid delays it took 6 months for the Fynes to arrive.  Hooked up the esoteric to my paradigms that have the same resistance and sensitivity as the Fyne and the result was unlistenable as the 30 watt class a could not drive the smallish bass drivers. So two thoughts, have to hear amp speaker combo unless returnable 
The esoteric was in a different league than the luxman, though the entry cost was 40 percent higher
Happy listening