The usual suspects: S1, Cirrus, Tempesta, MMM1

Getting back into audio and starting to make the audition/research list... Speakers are always the toughest, especially with the internet brands that have no presence here.

Anyway, here is the current list. I'd love to hear from people who have actually heard these in comparable setups:

1. Magico S1 - yes, it is new. it is also hot. Also too much $$$

2. Vapor Cirrus - tons of good press, but is it just the current audiophile flavor du jour (much like Joseph and Devore before them)

3. Selah Tempesta - seems similar to the Vapor but with lesser cabinet?

4. Evo Acoustics MMM1 - lots of hype on this one being generated by the company - worth it?

I've had Soliliquy's a long time ago. Energy's of various sorts that never did anything for me. ProAc Tablettes I loved (but many, many years ago so rose-tinted glasses now), and a variety of other speakers here and there...
I wanted to add one additional bit. The Tempesta is Rick's best selling model, yet to my knowledge there have been no used pairs on the resale market at all. I've been watching for another pair to buy. There have a number of Cirrus and the others mentioned. Owner satisfaction is the goal in the end.
"I haven't heard the Cirrus, but a Cirrus owner has been here and heard my Tempestas. He was a bit embarrassed to admit the Tmepestas were notably better"

Really? I find it hard to believe there would be this level of difference, no matter which one was better. I have both the Cirrus and Tempesta, which I will be comparing this weekend.
Another one to consider, that shoots well above it's price band, Fritz Carbon 7's. I just bought them for my son band they really do sound very good and are well made at this price point.

Fritz is a great guy to deal with and thay are available on sale or return, if your not happy. What's not to like?
The cirrus has an excellent cabinet but the MDF stands are killing me and you must have the stands because the x-over is stuffed into the base of the stand and i mean stuffed! Plus the owner is a grade A tool.
Jmbatkh, I am not sure if you are talking about me and my cirrus pair but I had told you that I had not listened to them yet so there is no way I could have told you that the Tempesta sounded better. The Tempesta sounded good but there was no way for me to compare and still no way as I have yet to listen to the Cirrus. I will have a pair here in the next week or so...